Date: 76-08-13
Venue: The Summit
Recording: PRO
Quality: 9(-)
Extras: An outstanding version of Szcene 76 with DRC live.
Comments: Dodo's version in a single-disc. Default audio is a definite improvement on the original audio (also on the disc) but there's something fishy about the highs. Picture quality is good and possibly a tad sharper than the "master" but there's something a little off about the colors. It's not much but it doesn't look quite right. It's also a little darker than previous versions. Also available in dual-disc version called Two Nights of Destruction.
Detroit rock city
King of the night time world
Let me go, rock 'n' roll
Hotter than hell
Shout it out loud
Cold gin
Ace's solo
Nothin' to lose (cut)
Houston, TX 1976