Date: 94-08-27
Venue: Estadio Pecaembu

Recording: PRO
Quality: 9
Menu: NO
Extras: None
Comments: 2nd gen transfer of the full show. Better than my previous upgrade version. The picture is much sharper and the colors look much better (compare the screenshot of Gene). It's still a little grainy and it's not as good as it probably can be, the interference band on the right is still a little annoying. Audio kicks serious ass. 2 DVD set.


Setlist disc 1:
Creatures of the night
I stole your love
Cold gin
Watchin' you
Got to choose
Calling Dr. Love
Makin' love
War machine
I was made for lovin' you

Setlist disc 2:
Take it off
Love gun
Lick it up
God of thunder
I love it loud
Detroit rock city
Black diamond
Heaven's on fire
Sao Paolo, Brazil 1994