Date: 95-06-25
Venue: Hyatt Regency Phoenix

Recording: AUD
Quality: 9
Menu: NO
Extras: None
Comments: 1st gen. Single cam on a tri-pod slightly left of center (although I'm not sure it's quiet the same angle as my other left... if it is it's a huge upgrade). Picture is excellent, there's a hint of grain and there's a greenish band at the top, but apart form that it's great. Audio nice and clear but lacking a bit in drums (bass kicks ass though).


Plaster caster
Mr. Speed
Comin' home
Sure know something
A world without heroes
C'mon and love me
Christine sixteen
Hard luck woman
Nothin' to lose
Got to choose
See you tonite
Rock bottom
Calling Dr. Love
I love it loud
Do you love me
Black diamond
I want you
Goin' blind
I still love you
King of the night time world
Heaven's on fire
God gave rock 'n' roll to you II
Rock and roll all nite
Phoenix, Arizona 1995