Recording: COMPILATION        
Quality: 5-7
Menu: NO
Extras: None
Comments: Very varying quality. The latter half appears to be filmed on a TV screen... The footage from Ace's birthday is probably the best. Lots of stuff on here that would be very nice to se in better quality. Great quote: "In fact, this Brooklyn-bred super-group has taken mindless entertainment to the ultimate extreme."


Ace's birthday bowling
Eyewitness Report 1983
KISS Look-alike contest in Toronto
1983 news report
Music News Houston 1983
New report on religious groups vs. KISS 1983
Lisbon 83.10.11
Channel 7 Eyewitness News 1983
MTV News 1984
Radio 1990
MTV News on Animalize 1984
Radio 1990 Gene interview
Norrsken 1983
"Video Music Mania" 1983
ABC News on video violence 1983
News report on the unmasking 1983
Friday Night Videos - Private Reel 1983
News report on KISS and makeup 1983
Dusseldorf 84.10.11
Japanese TV Greeting
Making of All hell's breakin' loose
Japanese interview 1985
Christmas greeting 1990
Ace and Skid Row "unplugged"
Japanese puppet interview w/ Bruce 1989
Japanese puppet interview 1988
Odd Pieces 1983-1996