Recording: COMPILATION        
Quality: 8-9
Menu: NO
Extras: None
Comments: Quality varies a little but is overall very good. The indexing is poor. Good clips though.


Rock and roll over TV ad
Don Kirschner's rock concert
Peopl's choice award
News clip: The last word...
Love gun TV ad
ABC Eyewitness news - LA Forum '77
Katu TV - Portland, OR '77
Alive II TV ad (ver. 1)
Nightbird - Alison Steel interviews KISS
Alive II TV ad (ver. 2)
Alive II promo
Alive II TV ad (ver. 3)
The American Music Awards
KISS Radio TV ad
The land of hype and glory
Double Platinum TV ad
The Robert Klein hour
Solo albums TV ad
Album sales
PM magazine: Paul Stanley
KISS dolls TV ad
News 4 Indiand - Paul Stanley
Dick Clark's golden greats
TV Collection 1976-1978