Viernes 198?
Recording: TV
Quality: 6(-)
Menu: NO
Extras: Applausos 1981
Comments: Mexican TV special from the early 80's. Picture is bad, it's grainy and with plenty of interference lines. It also "hangs" quite a lot. Audio sways (varies in pitch), has a very distinct hiss to it, and is far from enjoyable. The Viernes KISS special can't be from 1981 though since it contains the video for I love it loud. Interviews are dubbed. The bonus, Applausos 1981, contain the lip-synched versions of Charisma and I was made for lovin' you.
Rock and roll all nite (Australia 80)
Nothin' to lose (In concert 74)
Detroit rock city (Australia 80)
Shandi (Australia 80)
Talk to me (Australia 80)
Calling Dr. Love (Australia 80)
Is that you? (Australia 80)
Black diamond (Australia 80)
New York groove (Australia)
A world without heroes (video)
I love it loud (video)
Sure know something (video)